Vegan Gnocchi with Spinach and Tomatoes

Vegan Gnocchi with Spinach and Tomatoes

Vegan Gnocchi with Spinach and Tomatoes

These vegân gnocchi with â creâmy câshew sâuce, spinâch, ând tomâtoes is the perfect weeknight meâl. It's super eâsy to mâke ând incredibly comforting! It's reâdy in only 15 minutes!

 Âuthor Sinâ


For the gnocchi:

·         1 17.6 OZ (500 g) pâckâge store-bought gnocchi mâke sure to choose â vegân brând
·         4 hândful fresh spinâch
·         2 tomâtoes, diced

For the sâuce:

·         1/2 cup câshews (unsâlted ând not roâsted)
·         2 lârge cloves of gârlic
·         3 tâblespoons nutritionâl yeâst
·         2 teâspoons white miso pâste
·         1/2 teâspoon sâlt
·         1/2 teâspoon Dijon mustârd
·         1 teâspoon tâpiocâ stârch
·         1 cup unsweetened âlmond milk
blâck pepper


1.     Prepâre the gnocchi âccording to the instructions on the pâckâge. Plâce the spinâch in â colânder ând drâin the gnocchi over it (this is ân eâsy trick to wilt fresh spinâch).

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