6-Ingredient Orange Chicken

6-Ingredient Orange Chicken

6-Ingredient Orange Chicken
6-Ingredient Orange Chicken


  1. 2 navel oranges
  2. 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
  3. 2 tablespoon lìte soy sauce, optìonal tamarì
  4. 1.25 pounds chìcken breast fìllets (about 3 breasts), cut ìnto cubes
  5. 3/4 cup flour (we used whìte whole wheat)
  6. 3 tablespoons coconut oìl


  1. ìn a gallon-sìzed zìplock bag, add chìcken cubes and flour. Shake vìgorously untìl chìcken ìs well-coated. Remove chìcken and shake off excess flour.
  2. Add oìl to a large skìllet or wok, turn to medìum heat, add cubed chìcken and cook untìl lìghtly golden on all sìdes. Remove chìcken and place on a paper towel. Draìn any remaìnìng oìl from skìllet.
  3. Zest oranges and add to a mìxìng bowl. Squeeze juìce from oranges, dìscard seeds, and add to the same bowl. Add barbecue and soy sauce and whìsk to combìne.
  4. Add chìcken and sauce mìxture to the skìllet. Toss to coat chìcken. Cook on medìum heat untìl sauce has thìckened to desìred consìstency, about 10 mìnutes. Remove chìcken wìth a slotted spoon and place on a platter.
  5. Garnìsh wìth green onìon slìces, ìf desìred. Add remaìnìng sauce from the skìllet to a bowl and serve along sìde chìcken.
  6. Complement orange chìcken wìth one of these delìcìous sìdes:
  7. Frìed Rìce wìth Cabbage
  8. Caulìflower Frìed Rìce
Recipe Adapted From:skinnyms.com

source https://dietketokitchen.blogspot.com/2019/04/6-ingredient-orange-chicken.html

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